TaskPool is an advanced, powerful and feature rich Task Management system, for communication with customers (HELPDESK), with partners (outsourcing), bugtracking (development) and much more.
TaskPool is an web-based system for handling various types of requests. Requests can be:
* Service request: use TaskPool as a helpdesk for your customers
* Outsourcing request: use TaskPool to communicate with your outsourcing partner
* Task: create a to do list from your meetings
* Bugs: track bugs and fix them
* Job Applicants inquiry: communicate with job applicants and have a record of interviews
* Reclaim: manage reclamations and communicate with customers, print service reports
* Visitor: use Taskpool for evidence of incoming and leaving visitors in your Company
* Document: use TaskPool for evidence of different Versions of documents including comments
You can set up TaskPool in a few minutes and configure it step by step. Due to the easy end-user friendly interface almost every user learns quickly and intuitively how to create new tasks, work with tasks, and complete them.
Web-based application
TaskPool is a web-based application. Thus it can be accessible from anywhere you want: the intranet, internet, for external workers, customers, etc.
Each task has this basic data: Creation time, who created it (submitter), who is working on it (implementer), the DeadLine (when it has to be completed). In addition to this it can have a wide set of different data fields according your specific needs.
Each task can have a priority. You can specify who can change the priority, in which step, who SEES the priority.
Documented History
Every step by you or anyone else is documented. The history of Steps is listed at each task including attachments, links, changes of variables.